The Joy of Eating

Food is one of Life’s pleasures. It is sustenance for our very existence, mood-altering for our emotions, nourishment for our soul, comfort for our inner child, and essential for our livelihood. It brings Joy into our world. If you agree with me, pull up a chair for “Eating My Way Through the Alphabet: The Joy of Eating!” Within a few short months of blogging, the response continues to amaze me on this journey of the palate. Thanks very much to all of my followers on for the uplifting support, award nominations, and moving words of encouragement. What’s cooking in Gail’s Kitchen? It’s as simple as reciting your A-B-Cs. One of my passions is being at home in my own country kitchen. I love to cook, and my husband loves that I do it often. Now more than ever, since I am retired, I relish the thought of creating something delicious from scratch. I adore time-honored traditions using tried-and-true recipes. Yet, I often never think twice about tweaking old favorites or modifying others to suit the inner craving of the moment. Most of the recipes serve 2-4 people, but can be altered in any direction. The leftovers are golden morsels to be eaten again later or shared with others. And I love to share. To me, seeing a smile in gratitude is thanks enough. The recipes you will find here in the next several weeks can be prepared very easily. Feel free to contact me with questions. Now take a deep breath, inhale the aromas, and join me on a tasteful journey entitled, “EATING MY WAY THROUGH THE ALPHABET: THE JOY OF EATING!”

12 thoughts on “The Joy of Eating

  1. You give us a viable alternative to have your passion in the recipes you give us. Nothing like enjoying a good dish with the loved one and now, thanks to your idea, we have the opportunity to enjoy.

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